
Gift a Holiday

Gift a Getaway to a family member, friend, colleague or team member.

Gift a Getaway through Nivalink. Whether it’s for a Wedding or a reward to an Employee, Getaway Breaks are high on experience. Getaways are customizable to individual preferences and create wonderful memories.

Nivalink has a list of 1000+ getaways ex-major metros and mini metros in India. The list has been prepared after sending more than 100,000 customers over last 10 years to getaways across India.

Getaway Gifts are typically of the following types:

  • Planned Budget, Flexible location: The Gift giver provides the budget, and the recipient can confirm the dates and the travel location at a later time.
  • Planned Budget and location, Flexible Dates: The budget and the location are pre-determined by the Gift giver, but the recipient can confirm the dates at a later time (within a specified date range).
  • Fully Organized: Here, the gift giver has completely organized the trip: the budget, the location, the itinerary and the departure date, and the recipient just goes on holiday!

For 10+ gift order, we are able to package the Gift certificate in a special gift wrap.

  • Fixed value - Flexible (Travel Dates and destination to be confirmed later)
  • Fixed value / Fixed Destination - Flexible (Travel Dates to be confirmed later)
  • Fixed value / Fixed Destination / Fixed Date

To enquire with us Call 022-61326363 or email [email protected]

For customization & confirmations contact



 [email protected]

Get in touch with a destination expert For advisory and recommendations

[email protected]

Service Timings

  Mon - Fri - 11 AM to 7 PM

  Sat - 11 AM to 4 PM

Customise This Holiday

Customise Getaway / Holiday to your requirements and preferences.


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